Web Developer Monthly - February 2019

Web Developer Monthly February 2019
Feb 2019



Welcome to another Web Developer Monthly. This month's edition focuses a little more on some of the cool code samples and CodePens out there to help get your creative juices flowing.

If you've spotted anything you'd like me to share for the next Web Developer Monthly let me know in the comments below or reach out to me on Twitter. Enjoy!


Below is a summary of all the links contained in this post for those of you who don't care about reading the overview for each link:

Looking for some bite sized tech tips? Every Friday I try to post a simple Tweet sized tech tip. Simply search for #FridayTechTip on Twitter to find a list of all my past tips. The tech tips for the last month were:



GitHub private repositories go free

GitHub private repositories go free


After yeasrs of "will they? won't they?" GitHun has finally announced that private repos will be completely free. Previously if you wanted this privilage it cost around $7/m to have private repositories.

I know for a lot of people this was one of the main reasons for sticking with BitBucket so it will be interesting if people finally make the full switch over to using GitHub. Either way, it's great news for devs! Go Microsoft!!






anime.js v3 released

anime.js v3 released


If you're into animation on the web chances are you've heard of or used anime.js at some point.

It's actually a really cool animation framework that helps you add some nice animation touches to your projects. Come to think of it, one of the best features about this project is the documentation to help you get up and running in no time!




PWAs on iOS 12.2 beta: the good, the bad, and the “not sure yet if good”

anime.js v3 released


PWA's or Progressive Web Applications are everywhere right now. If you were to pick the one "hot thing" for 2019 I'd say this is it.

However, setting up a PWA can still be confusing and support a little patchy across all devices. This article focused on PWA support in Apple's upcoming iOS 12.2 release so you can make sure your PWA takes full advantage of the new features Apple is backing into iOS.






The 7 Pro Tips To Get Productive With Angular CLI & Schematics

The 7 Pro Tips To Get Productive With Angular CLI & Schematics


I'll be honest, I'm still working my way through all of the excellent information in this post about Angular Schematics. I'd never even heard of it until this post!

I definately recommend reading through the official article on Schematics to wrap your head around the concepts - https://blog.angular.io/schematics-an-introduction-dc1dfbc2a2b2




Getting started with GitHub Actions

Getting started with GitHub Actions


GitHub Actions focus with helping out on the automation side of things. This article does a great job at giving a real world setup of Actions.

Using GitHub Actions you can setup triggers that fire at certain times or after specific events like a checkins or release. Those triggers could be running database cleanup scripts or sending notifications to the team. You can read more information about Actions on the main site: https://github.com/features/actions










That's it until next month! I hope you found something useful with this month's list of links and resources.

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